McCain's speech was so refreshing and inspiring until he gleefully cheered the crowd by saying "Americans never quit. We never surrender..."
Please, I beg that you stop thinking of yourself as a proud American that never quits and never surrenders; it makes you look creepy and stupid. Americans have no need to quit nor to surrender, we simply have the need to be grateful for the security, the plan b's and the enormous financial back up that the American way of life gives us.
If you don't agree me with me then I challenge you to answer this: What exactly do you NOT surrender to? The wars we've fed or ignited around the globe? Or is it the enormous credit card balances you are left with while attempting to live beyond your means? Also, I'd like to know What exactly is it that you don't quit? The free education that is given to you? The shitty job that pays you minimum wage but allows you to get free welfare assistance? ... Or do you quit the court-appointed attorney in case you can't represent yourself?..
What exactly do we not quit and not surrender to? I'm not being sarcastic nor am I attempting to be anti-patriotic. I simply want to see myself as someone who never quits and doesn't surrender but it's just not happening because I've no reason to see myself in this light: I'm fortunate enough to live in this country where the need to never surrender and never quit are not necessary.
WAIT! Before you answer these questions, I want to invite you to get out of this country and visit remote villages all around the world. Places where financial aid, welfare systems and free housing programs are not available. In these places you will find people who have been stripped of their pride by hunger, militia, drug cartels and underground sex slavery rinks.
These people, I think, are the ones that never quit, never surrender...
On a different note, I'd like to suggest that we eat less burgers, read more books,learn about the mind blowing cultures of the world and, minimize our TV time.
I've posted McCain's speech below (in case you are living under a rock and missed it). You will be so inspired by his words until he kills it all with the aforementioned.